To request scheduling an online Proficiency Exam for LSP 121 contact Mary Jo Davidson at m.j.davidson@depaul.edu
The purpose of the Quantitative Reasoning and Technological Literacy (QRTL) courses at DePaul University is to help students to become confident and critical users of quantitative information, and more proficient with technology. These courses address the growing need for quantitative and computer literacy in the face of an enormous expansion in the use of quantitative methods and information in the social and physical sciences as well as daily life.
If you feel that you also know the material in LSP 121, you may take a separate proficiency exam to test out of LSP 121. The testing guidelines are as follows:
You may take the proficiency exam at anytime; however, if you are registered for the course and want to add/drop, you must take the test during the first week of the start of classes (or the first two days of the start of classes in the summer).
Students may not take the proficiency exam if the course is listed on their official transcript.
A score of at least 70% is required to successfully complete the requirement for LSP 121.
The proficiency exam is taken in SAC 288 by appointment. A limited number of online proficiency exams might also be available. Please contact Mary Jo Davidson m.j.davidson@depaul.edu.
There is time limit of two hours for the exam.
Programmable calculators are not allowed. There is a scientific calculator available on the computer you can use.
The Quantitative Reasoning Center reports these scores to your college office.
This exam may be taken only once.
If you are enrolled in the class when you pass the proficiency exam, you must drop the class (generally through Campus Connect). Students who drop the class after the add/drop deadline will receive a W on their transcript. If the exempted course is not officially dropped before the drop deadline, the grade given by the instructor based on class performance will appear on your official transcript. For important dates see: Academic Calendar.
You will be asked to show your DePaul ID card.
If you pass the LSP 121 proficiency exam, you will not receive course credit, but will have satisfied LSP 121 requirement.
If you would like to make an appointment to take the exam or have any other questions about the exam please contact Mary Jo Davidson m.j.davidson@depaul.edu.
Create an Access database using one or more tables.
Perform one or more Access queries.
Create an Access form and/or Access report.
Compute and interpret descriptive statistics.
Perform a correlation between two sets of data.
Number systems.
Solve basic probability problems.
Understand risk theory and calculate true positives, false positives, etc.
Create a basic algorithm, as might be used on a computer.